A Grassroots Solution to Hunger, Health, and Agriculture

Recovery Housing

Stable, supportive housing is a critical element of health, particularly for individuals transitioning out extreme circumstances such as addiction and homelessness. We are proud to provide the Humble House recovery housing programs for individuals transitioning back into society. Please contact us for additional information about availability and requirements.

Community Gardens

Poor nutrition is the leading cause of chronic disease in America. The current American food system incentivizes dangerous diets, particularly in low-income communities. Factory-produced food has become cheaper and more readily available than food that can be grown naturally for free. The cornerstone of Humble Harvest is our community garden program. With the help of volunteers and donations, we build FREE organic gardens in communities with the least access to healthy, sustainable food options. Reach out today to find out how to get a garden built in your community!

Food Distribution

When necessary and able, Humble Harvest facilitates the distribution of excess food from our community gardens and local farms to low-income families in surrounding communities to alleviate hunger. Food distribution is the last resort and provided when all other solutions are exhausted.

Community-Led Solutions

Health and nutrition are becoming not just national, but international problems as massive corporations sell dangerous food to communities around the world. Profit-driven companies are not incentivized to provide nutrient-dense, natural food at an affordable price. Therefore, there will never be a large-scale solution to the American nutrition crisis within the current system. The ONLY possible answer is to mobilize communities to develop sustainable and natural food solutions at the local level.

Education First

The root of a successful sustainable food solution is education. Most people know very little about health or agriculture, despite them being a part of our every day lives. In fact, the vast majority of chronic disease in America is a result of poor nutrition and exercise. By first arming communities with the knowledge of a balanced diet, the importance of organic and regenerative processes, and techniques to make healthy food taste delicious, we are able to set the foundations for long-term success. We pride ourselves on creating and providing free access to information about healthy, sustainable solutions to nutrition and agriculture.

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